Please tune in to Episode 1 at Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Amazon Music, Spotify, and Firstory


Welcome to the Biostatistics Podcast. I’m your host, Jocelyn Chen, and I’m excited to bring you this show all about the fascinating field of biostatistics. For those who may not be familiar, biostatistics is the application of statistical methods for better understanding of data arising in biology, medicine, and public health. It plays a crucial role in modern scientific research, helping us to understand complex data and make informed decisions about how to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing humanity.

Biostatistics is a highly interdisciplinary or say, collaborative field, so the guests invited on the podcast will be from different backgrounds. For example, bioinformatics, clinicians, psychiatrists, health data scientists, epidemiologists, etc. Aside of biostatisticians, of course. We hope to bring you the most comprehensive topics arising from biostatistics and insights on them from experts and professionals from a variety of fields. We’ll also be discussing the opportunities, challenges, and limitations of different topics in biostatistics and how biostatistics is shaping the future of science and healthcare.

A little bit about who I am. I just graduated from a master’s program in biostatistics in University of Toronto, and now I’m working as a biostatistical analyst in the hospital for sick children. I consider myself always a biostatistician in training, and hope to learn alongside of you guys while I host this podcast. So when I started getting familiar with the biostatistics, or even right now still, I wish there could have been some podcasts or YouTube channels or even blogs where people talk about their experience in the field or give some advice for people who are interested in a career in biostatistics so that I could get a grasp of it better and make better decisions. So I hope this podcast can bring you what I wish that a podcast could have brought me. The questions I ask will mostly be from a student or early career point of view, as opposed to asking two technical questions as an expert in biostatistics, since I’m not even close and I have not been in this field for too long. But I will make sure to learn or get to know about the guest’s work as much as possible before I talk to them to make sure the information we provide is interesting and insightful.

So if you’re university students interested in statistical methodologies applied in health data, or graduate students or researchers who are trying to learn more about different researches in biostatistics or the biostatistics industry, or biostatisticians hoping to stay up to date with the latest trends and techniques, or in general, anyone hoping to learn more about the scope of the biostatistics, this is the podcast for you. We hope you’ll join us on this journey and be part of the conversation. If there is anyone that you want to see as a guest, or any questions that you hope we would ask the guest, or even better, any feedback or comments, please email me or you can DM me on Twitter. The handle is choochoojczm. Thanks for tuning in and we’ll see you in the next episode. And by the way, biostatistics is such a tricky word to pronounce. And we will see you in the next episode.